Ονόματα και συνεργάτες απ' όλον τον κόσμο
Κυβερνοεπίθεση στα αρχεία των αμερικανικών μυστικών υπηρεσιών - 350 ονόματα στον «αέρα», ανάμεσά τους και επτά Έλληνες
Νέα κυβερνοεπίθεση σε αρχεία αμερικανικής υπηρεσίας πραγματοποίησαν χάκερ, αυτή τη φορά στοχεύοντας τις μυστικές υπηρεσίες. Οι άγνωστοι χάκερ υπέκλεψαν και δημοσιοποίησαν στην ιστοσελίδα cyberguerrilla.org τα προσωπικά δεδομένα 350 μυστικών πρακτόρων, μεταξύ των οποίων βρίσκονται και επτά Έλληνες.
Συγκεκριμένα, οι χάκερ ανέφεραν τα εξής:
«Αγαπητοί φίλοι, σήμερα χτυπήσαμε με επιτυχία τους αμερικάνικους server και πήραμε κάποιες από τις πληροφορίες των παγκόσμιων πρακτόρων των ΗΠΑ.
Με μια απλή ευπάθεια, ο καθένας μπορεί να έχει πρόσβαση σε κάθε κυβερνητικό server και να πάρει δεδομένα!
Υπάρχουν 350 πράκτορες από όλο τον κόσμο που εργάζονται για την αμερικανική κυβέρνηση. Θα μοιραστούμε ονόματα, e-mail, τηλέφωνα και διευθύνσεις!»
Στη λίστα που έδωσαν στη δημοσιότητα, διακρίνονται και επτά ονόματα Ελλήνων
Κυβερνοεπίθεση στα αρχεία των αμερικανικών μυστικών υπηρεσιών - 350 ονόματα στον «αέρα», ανάμεσά τους και επτά Έλληνες
Νέα κυβερνοεπίθεση σε αρχεία αμερικανικής υπηρεσίας πραγματοποίησαν χάκερ, αυτή τη φορά στοχεύοντας τις μυστικές υπηρεσίες. Οι άγνωστοι χάκερ υπέκλεψαν και δημοσιοποίησαν στην ιστοσελίδα cyberguerrilla.org τα προσωπικά δεδομένα 350 μυστικών πρακτόρων, μεταξύ των οποίων βρίσκονται και επτά Έλληνες.
Συγκεκριμένα, οι χάκερ ανέφεραν τα εξής:
«Αγαπητοί φίλοι, σήμερα χτυπήσαμε με επιτυχία τους αμερικάνικους server και πήραμε κάποιες από τις πληροφορίες των παγκόσμιων πρακτόρων των ΗΠΑ.
Με μια απλή ευπάθεια, ο καθένας μπορεί να έχει πρόσβαση σε κάθε κυβερνητικό server και να πάρει δεδομένα!
Υπάρχουν 350 πράκτορες από όλο τον κόσμο που εργάζονται για την αμερικανική κυβέρνηση. Θα μοιραστούμε ονόματα, e-mail, τηλέφωνα και διευθύνσεις!»
Στη λίστα που έδωσαν στη δημοσιότητα, διακρίνονται και επτά ονόματα Ελλήνων
| CyberLeaks: 350 US Agents worldwide Leaked! Names, Emails , Phones and Address |
Agents from around the world that works for US |
Argonne (FAX: 630-252-5076, Internet: anl.gov)
HEP - Bldg 362, Argonne National Lab, 9700 S. Cass Ave. Argonne, IL 60439
Secretary (Raquel Young) [rcyoung] 630-252-6290
Ioana Anghel - P [omanghel@fnal.gov]
Dave (D.S.) Ayres - P [ayres] 510-647-3414
Louie (W.L.) Barrett - P [wlb@physics.wwu.edu] (at WWU) 360-650-3837,3818
Gary Drake - EE [drake] 630-252-1568
*I Maury (M.C.) Goodman - P [maury.goodman] 630-252-3646
Jim (J.J.) Grudzinski - EM [jjg] 630-252-0195, -6737
Vic (V.J.) Guarino - EM [vjg] 630-252-6277
Xiaobo Huang - P [huang@hep.anl.gov] 630-252-3648
Aaron (A.M.) McGowan - P [mcgowan] (@ Univ. of Rochester, Rochester, NY)
Jonathan Paley - P [jpaley] 630-252-6612
Sarah Phan-Budd - P [sbudd@hep.anl.gov]
Phil Schreiner - P [pschreiner@ben.edu] 630-829-6562 (@ Benedictine Univ.)
Rich (R.L.) Talaga - P [rlt] 630-252-7094
Bob (R.G.) Wagner - P [rgwcdf] 630-252-6321
Ken (K.L.) Wood - EM [klw@hep.anl.gov] 630-252-3971
Allen (H.) Zhao - EM [hzhao) 630-252-0975
Athens (FAX: 30-210-727-6987, Internet: phys.uoa.gr)
University of Athens, Dept. of Physics, Div. Nucl. & Particle Physics,
Panepistimioupoli, Zografou, 15771 Athens, Greece
Elias Athanasopoulos - S [elathan] 30-210-727-6742
George Choudalakis - S [gchouda] 30-210-727-6742
Artemis Geromitsos - S [agerom] 30-210-727-6742
Nikoalos Kaplis - S [nkaplis] 30-210-727-6742
Panos Stamoulis - S [pstamoul] 30-210-727-6742
Sotiris Tatsis - TE [statsis] 30-210-727-6945
Miltiadis Zois - S [mzois] 30-210-727-6742
Brookhaven (FAX: 631-344-5568, Internet: bnl.gov) Brookhaven National Lab,
Bldg 510a, PO Box 5000, Upton, NY 11973-5000 (Switchboard: 631-344-8000)
Mary Bishai - P [mbishai] 631-344-4877
*I Milind (M.V.) Diwan - P [diwan] 631-344-3327
Zeynep Isvan - P [zeynepisvan@gmail.com]
David (D.E.) Jaffe - P [djaffe] 631-344-5518
Jiajie Ling - P [jjling]
Brett Viren - P [bv] 631-344-7431
Kevin Zhang - P [zhangh] 631-344-5879
Caltech (FAX: 626-795-3951, Internet:hep.caltech.edu)
Lauritsen Lab, 356-48, Calif. Inst. of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125
Secretary (Betty Smith) 626-395-6667 (FAX: 626-584-9304)
Barry Barish - P [barish] 626-395-6684
John Hanson - EM [hanson] 626-395-6581
Alex Himmel - S [ahimmel] 626-395-2610
Larry Mossbarger - T 626-395-6580
Leon Mualem - P [mualem] 626-395-3459
*I Harvey (H.B.) Newman - P [newman] 626-395-6656
Pedro (J.P.) Ochoa-Ricoux - S [jpochoa] 626-395-2609
Mhair Orchanian - S [mho@its.caltech.edu] 626-395-8929
Ryan (R.B.) Patterson - P [rbpatter@caltech.edu] 626-395-5753
Charles (C.W.) Peck - P [peck] 626-395-2099
Jason Trevor - T [trevor] 626-395-6560
Cambridge (FAX: 44-1223-353920, Internet: hep.phy.cam.ac.uk)
(Swtchbd: 44-1223-337200) Department of Physics, Cavendish Laboratory,
Univ. of Cambridge, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 OHE, UK
Secretary [jan] 44-1223-337227
Andy Blake - P [blake] 44-1223-764128
John (J.S.)Marshall - S [johnmarshall1180@googlemail.com]
Jess Mitchell - S [mitchell]
*I Mark (M.A.) Thomson - P [thomson] 44-1223-765122
Cincinnati (FAX: 513-556-3425, Internet: uc.edu) (Physics Dept: 513-556-0501)
Department of Physics, University of Cincinnati, PO Box 210011, Cincinnati,
OH 45221-0011
Adam Aurisano - P [adam.aurisano@gmail.com]
*I Alex Sousa - P [alex.sousa]
Fermilab (Internet: fnal.gov)
PO Box 500, (Pine St & Kirk Rd for FedEx) Batavia, IL 60510
Fermilab switchboard: 630-840-3000
Accommodations: Comfort Inn, 1555 E. Fabyan Pkwy, Geneva IL (630-208-8811)
12th floor W MINOS offices: MS-220 (FAX: 630-840-3614)
MINOS Control Room at Fermilab: 630-840-3368, 6913, 8751, 2482
Near detector at Fermilab: 630-840-6639 (underground), -3262 (surface)
Crae Tate (Neutrino Department Secretary) [crae] 630-840-2106
Phil Adamson - P [pa] 630-840-4789
Kris Anderson - EM [kander] 630-840-4947
Mike Andrews - E [mandrews] 630-531-0045
Rich Andrews - EM [andrews] 630-840-4456, 3567
Bruce Baller - P [baller] 630-840-2427
Bob (R.H.) Bernstein - P [rhbob] 630-840-2035
Virgil Bocean - EM [bocean] 630-840-6297 (FAX: 630-840-4655)
Greg (G.J.) Bock - P [bock] 630-840-4302
Dave (D.J.) Boehnlein - P [dave_b] 630-840-8743
Dixon Bogert - P [bogert] 630-840-4010
Sam Childress - P [childress] 630-840-4567
Rick Ford - P [rickford] 630-840-2473
Nancy (N.L.) Grossman - P [grossman] 630-840-3810
Steve(S.R.) Hahn - P [hahn] 630-840-2123
Debbie Harris - P [dharris] 630-840-4545
Robert Hatcher - P [rhatcher] 630-840-3102
Jim Hylen - P [hylen] 630-840-2122
Cat James - P [cjames] 630-840-2287
Doug Jensen - P [djensen] 630-840-8194
Joseph(J.M.) Kiveni - P [mkiveni]
Gordon Koizumi - E [koizumi] 630-840-3068
Art Kreymer - P,C [kreymer] 630-840-4261
Chris Laughton - EM [laughton] 630-840-5407
Hiep Le - TE [hle] 630-840-3689
I Peter Lucas - P [lucas] 630-840-4952
Byron Lundberg - P [lundberg] 630-840-2408
Shulamit Moed Sher - P [moed] 639-840-4111
Craig (C.D.) Moore - P [cmoore] 630-840-2251
Jorge (J.G.) Morfin - P [morfin] 630-840-4561
Benton (R.B.) Pahlka - P [pahlka]
Adam Para - P [para] 630-840-2132
*I Rob (R.K.) Plunkett - P [plunk] 630-840-2392
Naveneeth Poonthottathil - P [nav]
Dave (D.R.) Pushka - EM [pushka] 630-840-8767
Gina (R.A.) Rameika - P [rameika] 630-840-2262
Brian Rebel - P [brebel] 630-840-8226
Niki Saoulidou - P [niki] 630-840-4617
Peter Shanahan - P [shanahan] 630-840-8378
Richa Sharma - S [richa]
Wes Smart - P [smart] 707-942-5579
Andy Stefanik - EM [stefanik] 630-840-4131
Donatella Torretta - S [torretta]
Kamran Vaziri - P [vaziri] 630-840-3457
Alan Wehmann - P [wehmann] 630-840-4692
Bob Zwaska - P [zwaska] 630-840-6842
Goias (FAX: 55-62-3521-1041,Internet: if.ufg.br) Universidade Federal de Goias,
Instituto de Fisica, CP 131, 74001-970, Goiania, Goias, Brazil
Cesar (C.M.) Castromonte - P [cesarc77@gmail.com]
*I Ricardo (R.A.) Gomes - P [ragomes@ufg.br] 55-62-3521-1014
Michelle (M.M.) Medeiros - S [medeiros@fnal.gov]
Stefano (S.C.) Tognini -S [stognini@fnal.gov]
Harvard (FAX: 617-495-2678, Internet: huhepl.harvard.edu), HEPL: 617-495-5597
Dept. of Physics, Harvard University, 42 Oxford St., Cambridge, MA 02138
Admin. Ass't (Guy Sciacca) [sciacca@physics.harvard.edu] 617-495-5897
Joshua Boehm - P [jboehm@gmail.com]
Jason Brodsky - S [jbrodsky@fas.harvard.edu] 914-523-8154
Steven Cavanaugh - S [scavan@fas.harvard.edu] 617-496-5939
*I Gary (G.J.) Feldman - P [feldman@physics.harvard.edu] 617-496-1044
Nathan Felt - EE [felt@physics.harvard.edu] 617-496-2310
Andre Lebedev - P [indrick@gmail.com]
John Oliver - EE [oliver] 617-495-0939
Sharon (S.-M.) Seun - S [seun@physics.harvard.edu] 617-495-5887
Meagan Thompson - S [thompson@fas.harvard.edu] 617-496-2274
Ruth Toner - P [rtoner@fnal.gov]
University of Houston (FAX: 713-743-3589, Internet: uh.edu)
Department of Physics, 617 Science and Research Bldg 1, Houston, TX 77008
Lisa Whitehead - P [lawhitehead] 713-743-3502
Illinois Institute of Technology (FAX: 312-567-3494, Internet: iit.edu)
Department of Physics, 3101 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, IL 60616
Secretary 312-567-3480
Bill Luebke - EE [luebke@fnal.gov] 630-840-4128
Howie (H.A.) Rubin - P [rubin] 312-567-3395
*I Chris White - P [whitec] 312-567-3734
Indiana (FAX: 812-855-5533, Internet: astro.indiana.edu)
Physics Department, Swain West 117, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405
Secretary (Debbie McKinney) [dmckinne] 812-855-2220
Bob Armstrong - S [rearmstr@indiana.edu] 812-855-5705
Charles Bower - P [bower] 812-855-6190
Luke Corwin - P [luke.corwin@sdsmt.edu]
Mark Gebhard - T [gebhard] 812-855-8247
Masaki Ishitsuka - P [ishi@indiana.edu] 812-856-4095
Mark (M.D.) Messier - P [messier@indiana.edu] 812-855-0236 (FAX-0440)
Stuart Mufson - P [mufson] 812-855-6917 (FAX-8725)
*I James (J.A.) Musser - P [jmusser@indiana.edu] 812-855-9933
Jon Urheim - P [urheim@indiana.edu] 812-855-4178
Iowa State (FAX: , Internet: iastate.edu)
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011
Ioana Anghel - P [omanghel@fnal.gov]
*I Mayly (M.C.) Sanchez - P [mayly.sanchez] 630-252-3955,
UCL London (FAX: 44-20-7679-7145, Internet: hep.ucl.ac.uk)
High Energy Physics Group, Physics and Astronomy Dept., University College
London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, UK
Brian Anderson - T [ba]
Derek Attree - T [dja]
Gordon Crone - TC [gjc]
Mark Dorman - P [med] 44-20-7679-4147
Anna Holin - S [annah] 44-20-7679-4147
Jason (D.J.) Koskinen - S [koskinen]
Ryan (R.J.) Nichol - P [rjn]
Joseph O'Connor - S [joseph.o'connor.11@ucl.ac.uk]
Andrew Perch - S [a.perch.12@ucl.ac.uk]
Maciej (M.M.) Pfutzner - S [maciej.pfutzner.12@ucl.ac.uk]
Ruben Saakyan - P [saakyan]
*I Jenny Thomas - P [jthomas] 44-20-7679-7159
Leigh (L.H.) Whitehead - P [l.whitehead@ucl.ac.uk]
Manchester (FAX: 44-161-2750480, Internet: hep.manchester.ac.uk)
(HEP: 44-161-2754170) School of Physics and Astronomy, Universeity of
Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, UK
Rui Chen - P [rui.chen-8@postgrad.manchester.ac.uk]
*I Justin (J.J.) Evans - P [justin.evans]
Ashley Timmons - S [ashley.timmons]
Minnesota, Twin Cities (FAX: 612-624-4578, Internet: physics.umn.edu)
School of Physics and Astronomy, 116 Church St. S.E., Minneapolis, MN 55455
Secretary (Maureen Long) [mlong] 612-624-7886
Kregg (K.E.) Arms - P [arms] 612-624-1020
Minerba Betancourt - S [betancourt]
Pete (P.M.) Border - P [border] 612-624-1020
Tom (T.R.) Chase - EM [trchase@me.umn.edu] 612-625-0308
Hans Courant - P [hans] 612-624-6062
Daniel Cronin-Hennessy - P[hennessy] 612-624-9079
David DeMuth - P [demuth@umn.edu] 218-281-8259
Mike DuVernois - P [duvernoi] 612-624-6844
Eric (E.W.) Grashorn - P [grashorn@mps.ohio-state.edu]
Ken Heller - P [heller] 612-624-7314
Sue (S.M.S.) Kasahara - P [schubert] 612-624-1020
Zeb Krahn - P [zkrahn]
Sujeewa Kumaratunga - S [sujeewa] 612-624-7865
Peter (P.J.) Litchfield - P [pjl] 612-624-9804
Nat (N.P.) Longley - P [nat@fnal.gov]
I Marvin (M.L.) Marshak - P [marshak@umn.edu] 612-624-1312
Jarek (J.A.) Nowak - P [nowak]
Greg Pawloski - P [pawloski@fnal.gov]
Nathaniel Pearson - EM [npearson] 612-627-1064, 624-4546
* Earl (E.A.) Peterson - P [eap] 612-624-0319
David (D.A.) Petyt - P [petyt] 612-624-1020
Keith Ruddick - P [ruddick] 612-624-9587
Ben Speakman - P [bspeak] 612-624-0511
Matt Strait - S [strait]
Dick Wildberger - T [wildberg] 612-627-1064
Minnesota Duluth (FAX: 218-726-6942, Internet: d.umn.edu) U. of Minnesota,
Duluth, Dept. of Physics, 371 MWAH, 10 University Dr., Duluth, MN 55812
Secretary: Lori Johnson [ljohns10] 218-726-7124
Steve Farrell - S
Rik Gran - P [rgran] 218-726-7096
*I Alec Habig - P [ahabig@umn.edu] 218-726-7214, Cell: 218-290-4706
Jason Staab - S [staa0024] 218-726-7214
Otterbein University, (FAX: 614-823-1968 Internet: otterbein.edu)
Otterbein University, 1 South Grove Street, Westerville, OH 43081
*I Nathaniel Tagg - P [ntagg] 614-823-1316
Oxford (FAX: 44-1865-273418, Internet: physics.ox.ac.uk)
(Swthbd: 44-1865-273333) Denys Wilkinson Bldg, Keble Road, Oxford OX1 3RH, UK
Secretary [k.proudfoot1] 44-1865-273354
Christopher Backhouse - S [c.backhouse1] 44-1865-273385
Giles Barr - P [g.barr1] 44-1865-273446
John (J.H.) Cobb - P [j.cobb1] 44-1865-273328
Jeff (J.K.) de Jong - P [jeffrey.k.dejong@gmail.com]
Phillip (R.P.) Litchfield - S [p.litchfield1] 44-1865-273385
Colin Perry - EE [c.perry1] 44-1865-273358
Robert Pittam - S [r.pittam] 44-1865-273385
Philip (P.A.) Rodrigues - S [p.rodrigues1] 44-1865-273385
Phil Sullivan - EE [p.sullivan1] 44-1865-283104
Gemma Tinti - S [g.tinti] 44-1865-273385
*I Alfons Weber - P [alfons.weber@stfc.ac.uk] 44-1865-273315, 44-1235-445092
Nick West - P,C [n.west1] 44-1865-273389, 44-1202-395958
Pittsburgh (FAX: 412-624-9163, Internet: phyast.pitt.edu) Univ. of Pittsburgh,
100 Allen Hall, Dept. of Physics and Astro., Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Debdatta Bhattacharya - P [debdatta@farfalle.phyast.pitt.edu]412-624-7159
Istvan (I.Z.) Danko - P [izdanko@pitt.edu] 412-624-7159
Steve (S.A.) Dytman - P [dytman@pitt.edu]
Nick Graf - P [ngraf@umail.iu.edu]
Carrie McGivern - P [mcgivern@fnal.gov]
*I Donna Naples - P [naples, naples@fnal.gov] 412-624-9038
Vittorio Paolone - P [paolonepitt@gmail.com] 412-624-2764
Rutherford (FAX: 44-1235-446733, Internet: rl.ac.uk)
Switchboard: 44-1235-821900
Rutherford Appleton Lab, Science and Technologies Facilities Council, Harwell
Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot, OX11 OQX, UK
Secretary (Jane Brufell) [j.brufell] 44-1235-445342
Costas Andreopoulos - P [c.v.andreopoulos]44-1235-445091
Tim Durkin - T [t.durkin] 44-1235-445647
Nick Grant - P [nick.grant@stfc.ac.uk] 44-1235-445070
Rob Halsall - EE [r.halsall] 44-1235-445140
Jelena Ilic - P [jelena.ilic@stfc.ac.uk] 44-1235-446112
Carl (C.J.) Metelko - P [carl.metelko@stfc.ac.uk]44-1235-446265
Tim (T.C.) Nicholls - C [t.c.nicholls] 44-1235-446413
Geoff (G.F.) Pearce - P [g.f.pearce] 44-1235-445676
Tobias (T.M.) Raufer - P [t.m.raufer] 44-1235-778842
* Alfons Weber - P [alfons.weber@stfc.ac.uk] 44-1865-273315, 44-1235-445092
Soudan mine (Internet: sudan.umn.edu)
Surface Building: Voice 218-753-8990, FAX 218-753-8920;
Shift Leader House: P.O. Box 365, 218-753-5075
Park office: 218-753-2245 (FAX: 218-753-2246)
Underground: Voice 218-753-6611, FAX: 218-753-6904.
Soudan Underground Mine State Park, P.O. Box 175, Soudan, MN 55782
(Federal Express and UPS to Park Office: 1379 Stuntz Bay Road)
(FedEx and UPS to MINOS Surface Bldg: 41 First Street)
Eileen Amos - A [eileen]
Brian Anderson - TM [brian]
Jim (J.F.) Beaty - TM [beaty]
Curtis Lerol - TM [curt]
Jerry (J.R.) Meier - TC,TE,TM [meier]
* Bill (W.H.) Miller - TM,TE,TC,A [miller]
Dave Saranen - TC [saranen]
Doug Wiermaa - TM [doug]
Jack Zorman - TM [zman]
South Carolina (FAX: 803-777-3065, Internet: sc.edu)
Univ. of South Carolina, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, Columbia, SC 29208
Secretary (Ms. Beth Powell) [mepowell] 803-777-8104
Brian Mercurio - S [mercurio@barney.physics.sc.edu]
* Sanjib (S.R.) Mishra - P [sanjib] 803-777-2668
Azizur Rahaman - P [rahaman@fnal.gov]
I Carl Rosenfeld - P [lcr] 803-777-8145
Xinchun Tian - P [tianxc@fnal.gov]
Stanford (FAX: 650-926-4001, Internet: slac.stanford.edu)
MS 63, Stanford Linear Acc. Center, P.O. Box 4349, Stanford, CA 94309
Secretary (Judy Meo) [jlmeo] 650-926-2805
Sergei Avvakumov - P [avva@fnal.gov] 630-840-6827
George (G.M.) Irwin - P [gmieg] 650-926-2808
Xinjie Qiu - P [qiuxinjie@gmail.com]
*I Stan (S.G.) Wojcicki -P [sgwojcicki@gmail.com] 650-926-2806,
650-723-2924, 630-840-6305
Tingjun Yang - P [tjyang@fnal.gov]
Sussex (FAX: 44-1273-678068, Internet: sussex.ac.uk) Dept of Physics & Astron.,
University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton BN1 9QH, UK
David (D.J.) Auty - S [d.j.auty]
Nick (N.E.) Devenish - S [ned20] 44-1273-876606
*I Elisabeth Falk - P [e.falk] 44-1273-678538, FAX:677196
Philip (P.G.) Harris - P [p.g.harris] 44-1273-877214
Jeff Hartnell - P [j.j.hartnell]
Gwenaelle Lefeuvre - P [g.lefeuvre]
Peter (P.N.) Smith - P [p.n.smith] 44-1273-678662
Phil (P.A.) Symes - P [phil@philipsymes.com] 44-1273-678115
Marta (M.A.) Tavera - P [m.tavera] 44-1273-678712
Dick (R.F.) White - EE [r.f.white] 44-1273-678102
Texas A&M (FAX 979-845-2590, Internet:heprb.physics.tamu.edu) Texas A&M Univ.,
Physics Dept., Spence St, TAMU MS 4242, College Station, TX 77843-4242
Nikoli Diaczenko - TM [nick] 979-845-3235
Masaki Watabe - S [mwatabe@physics.tamu.edu] 979-845-3235
*I Bob (R.C.) Webb - P [robert-webb@tamu.edu] 979-845-4012
U. of Texas at Austin (FAX: 512-471-5918,-9637, Internet: mail.hep.utexas.edu)
Department of Physics, 1 University Station, Austin, TX 78712-1081
Physics Dept.: 512-471-1153,2; Center for Particle Physics: 512-471-5728
Secretary (Virginia Kruemcke) [virginia@physics.utexas.edu] 512-471-5728
Son (S.V.) Cao - S [cvson@physics.utexas.edu]
John England - EE [j.england@mail.utexas.edu] 512-471-5854,-5728
Sacha Kopp - P [kopp] 512-471-0461, Lab: 471-9641
*I Karol Lang - P [lang@physics.utexas.edu] 512-471-3528,Lab:471-3526
Laura Loiacono - S [lloiaco@physics.utexas.edu]
Rashid Mehdiyev - P [rmehdi@fnal.gov]
Tom Osiecki -P [osiecki]
Rustem Ospanov - P [rustem@physics.utexas.edu]
Zarko Pavlovich - P [zarko]
Marek Proga - TM [marek.proga] 512-232-7189
Jasmine Ratchford - S [jyuko@mail.ph.utexas.edu]
Adam Schreckenberger - P[adams@physics.umn.edu] 612-624-0511
Allan Schroeder - TM [schroeder@mail.utexas.edu] 512-471-5256,-4330
Tufts (FAX: 617-627-3744, Internet: tufts.edu)
Tufts University, Physics Dept., Medford, MA 02155
Secretary (Jackie DiMichele or Jean Intoppa) 617-627-3219
Daniel Cherdack - S [daniel.cherdack] 617-627-5779
Joao (J.A.B.) Coelho - P [joao.coelho]
Denis (D.R.) Dupuis - TM [denis.dupuis] 617-627-5378
Hugh (H.R.) Gallagher - P [hugh.gallagher] 617-627-5876
Tom Kafka - P [tomas.kafka] 617-627-3045
Scott MacCorkle - TM [scott.maccorkle] 617-627-5378
Tony (W.A.) Mann - P [anthony.mann] 617-627-3373
Nate Mayer - P [nathan.mayer]
Larry (L.P.) McMaster - TM [lawrence.mcmaster] 617-627-5378
Rick (R.H.) Milburn - P [rmilburn@capecod.net] 617-627-3554
Bill (W.P.) Oliver - P [william.oliver] 617-627-5364
*I Jack Schneps - P [jschneps] 617-627-3374
UNICAMP (FAX: 55-19-3788-5512, Internet: ifi.unicamp.br) Universidade Estadual
de Campinas, IFGW-UNICAMP, CP 6165, 13083-970, Campinas, SP, Brazil
*I Carlos (C.O.) Escobar - P [escobar] 55-19-3788-5537
USP (FAX: 55-11-3091-6832, Internet: if.usp.br) Universidade de Sao Paulo,
Instituto de Fisica, CP 66318, 05315-970, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil
Secretary (Teresa or Sandra) 55-11-3091-7045
*I Philippe Gouffon - P [pgouffon] 55-11-3091-6928
University of Warsaw (FAX: 48-22-6294309, Internet: fuw.edu.pl)
Faculty of Physics, Warsaw University, Pasteura 5, PL-02-093 Warsaw, Poland
*I Katarzyna Grzelak - P [Katarzyna.Grzelak] 48-22-5532817, 48-22-5532803
William & Mary (FAX: 757-221-3540, Internet: wm.edu)
Department of Physics, College of William & Mary, P.O. Box 8795
(300 Ukrop Drive for FedEx), Williamsburg, VA 23187
Secretary (Paula Perry) [paula@physics.wm.edu] 757-221-3500
Steve (S.J.) Coleman - S [sjc@fnal.gov] 757-221-3542
Alena (A.V.) Devan - S [avgavrilenko@email.wm.edu]
Mike Kordosky - P [kordosky@fnal.gov] 757-221-5522
Mark Mathis - P [mmathis]
*I Jeff (J.K.) Nelson - P [jknels] 757-221-3579
Alex Radovic - P [radovic@hep.ucl.ac.uk]
Tricia Vahle - P [vahle@fnal.gov] 757-221-3559
Joe (J.J.) Walding - P [jwalding]
| CyberLeaks: 350 US Agents worldwide Leaked! Names, Emails , Phones and Address |
Agents from around the world that works for US |
Argonne (FAX: 630-252-5076, Internet: anl.gov)
HEP - Bldg 362, Argonne National Lab, 9700 S. Cass Ave. Argonne, IL 60439
Secretary (Raquel Young) [rcyoung] 630-252-6290
Ioana Anghel - P [omanghel@fnal.gov]
Dave (D.S.) Ayres - P [ayres] 510-647-3414
Louie (W.L.) Barrett - P [wlb@physics.wwu.edu] (at WWU) 360-650-3837,3818
Gary Drake - EE [drake] 630-252-1568
*I Maury (M.C.) Goodman - P [maury.goodman] 630-252-3646
Jim (J.J.) Grudzinski - EM [jjg] 630-252-0195, -6737
Vic (V.J.) Guarino - EM [vjg] 630-252-6277
Xiaobo Huang - P [huang@hep.anl.gov] 630-252-3648
Aaron (A.M.) McGowan - P [mcgowan] (@ Univ. of Rochester, Rochester, NY)
Jonathan Paley - P [jpaley] 630-252-6612
Sarah Phan-Budd - P [sbudd@hep.anl.gov]
Phil Schreiner - P [pschreiner@ben.edu] 630-829-6562 (@ Benedictine Univ.)
Rich (R.L.) Talaga - P [rlt] 630-252-7094
Bob (R.G.) Wagner - P [rgwcdf] 630-252-6321
Ken (K.L.) Wood - EM [klw@hep.anl.gov] 630-252-3971
Allen (H.) Zhao - EM [hzhao) 630-252-0975
Athens (FAX: 30-210-727-6987, Internet: phys.uoa.gr)
University of Athens, Dept. of Physics, Div. Nucl. & Particle Physics,
Panepistimioupoli, Zografou, 15771 Athens, Greece
Elias Athanasopoulos - S [elathan] 30-210-727-6742
George Choudalakis - S [gchouda] 30-210-727-6742
Artemis Geromitsos - S [agerom] 30-210-727-6742
Nikoalos Kaplis - S [nkaplis] 30-210-727-6742
Panos Stamoulis - S [pstamoul] 30-210-727-6742
Sotiris Tatsis - TE [statsis] 30-210-727-6945
Miltiadis Zois - S [mzois] 30-210-727-6742
Brookhaven (FAX: 631-344-5568, Internet: bnl.gov) Brookhaven National Lab,
Bldg 510a, PO Box 5000, Upton, NY 11973-5000 (Switchboard: 631-344-8000)
Mary Bishai - P [mbishai] 631-344-4877
*I Milind (M.V.) Diwan - P [diwan] 631-344-3327
Zeynep Isvan - P [zeynepisvan@gmail.com]
David (D.E.) Jaffe - P [djaffe] 631-344-5518
Jiajie Ling - P [jjling]
Brett Viren - P [bv] 631-344-7431
Kevin Zhang - P [zhangh] 631-344-5879
Caltech (FAX: 626-795-3951, Internet:hep.caltech.edu)
Lauritsen Lab, 356-48, Calif. Inst. of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125
Secretary (Betty Smith) 626-395-6667 (FAX: 626-584-9304)
Barry Barish - P [barish] 626-395-6684
John Hanson - EM [hanson] 626-395-6581
Alex Himmel - S [ahimmel] 626-395-2610
Larry Mossbarger - T 626-395-6580
Leon Mualem - P [mualem] 626-395-3459
*I Harvey (H.B.) Newman - P [newman] 626-395-6656
Pedro (J.P.) Ochoa-Ricoux - S [jpochoa] 626-395-2609
Mhair Orchanian - S [mho@its.caltech.edu] 626-395-8929
Ryan (R.B.) Patterson - P [rbpatter@caltech.edu] 626-395-5753
Charles (C.W.) Peck - P [peck] 626-395-2099
Jason Trevor - T [trevor] 626-395-6560
Cambridge (FAX: 44-1223-353920, Internet: hep.phy.cam.ac.uk)
(Swtchbd: 44-1223-337200) Department of Physics, Cavendish Laboratory,
Univ. of Cambridge, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 OHE, UK
Secretary [jan] 44-1223-337227
Andy Blake - P [blake] 44-1223-764128
John (J.S.)Marshall - S [johnmarshall1180@googlemail.com]
Jess Mitchell - S [mitchell]
*I Mark (M.A.) Thomson - P [thomson] 44-1223-765122
Cincinnati (FAX: 513-556-3425, Internet: uc.edu) (Physics Dept: 513-556-0501)
Department of Physics, University of Cincinnati, PO Box 210011, Cincinnati,
OH 45221-0011
Adam Aurisano - P [adam.aurisano@gmail.com]
*I Alex Sousa - P [alex.sousa]
Fermilab (Internet: fnal.gov)
PO Box 500, (Pine St & Kirk Rd for FedEx) Batavia, IL 60510
Fermilab switchboard: 630-840-3000
Accommodations: Comfort Inn, 1555 E. Fabyan Pkwy, Geneva IL (630-208-8811)
12th floor W MINOS offices: MS-220 (FAX: 630-840-3614)
MINOS Control Room at Fermilab: 630-840-3368, 6913, 8751, 2482
Near detector at Fermilab: 630-840-6639 (underground), -3262 (surface)
Crae Tate (Neutrino Department Secretary) [crae] 630-840-2106
Phil Adamson - P [pa] 630-840-4789
Kris Anderson - EM [kander] 630-840-4947
Mike Andrews - E [mandrews] 630-531-0045
Rich Andrews - EM [andrews] 630-840-4456, 3567
Bruce Baller - P [baller] 630-840-2427
Bob (R.H.) Bernstein - P [rhbob] 630-840-2035
Virgil Bocean - EM [bocean] 630-840-6297 (FAX: 630-840-4655)
Greg (G.J.) Bock - P [bock] 630-840-4302
Dave (D.J.) Boehnlein - P [dave_b] 630-840-8743
Dixon Bogert - P [bogert] 630-840-4010
Sam Childress - P [childress] 630-840-4567
Rick Ford - P [rickford] 630-840-2473
Nancy (N.L.) Grossman - P [grossman] 630-840-3810
Steve(S.R.) Hahn - P [hahn] 630-840-2123
Debbie Harris - P [dharris] 630-840-4545
Robert Hatcher - P [rhatcher] 630-840-3102
Jim Hylen - P [hylen] 630-840-2122
Cat James - P [cjames] 630-840-2287
Doug Jensen - P [djensen] 630-840-8194
Joseph(J.M.) Kiveni - P [mkiveni]
Gordon Koizumi - E [koizumi] 630-840-3068
Art Kreymer - P,C [kreymer] 630-840-4261
Chris Laughton - EM [laughton] 630-840-5407
Hiep Le - TE [hle] 630-840-3689
I Peter Lucas - P [lucas] 630-840-4952
Byron Lundberg - P [lundberg] 630-840-2408
Shulamit Moed Sher - P [moed] 639-840-4111
Craig (C.D.) Moore - P [cmoore] 630-840-2251
Jorge (J.G.) Morfin - P [morfin] 630-840-4561
Benton (R.B.) Pahlka - P [pahlka]
Adam Para - P [para] 630-840-2132
*I Rob (R.K.) Plunkett - P [plunk] 630-840-2392
Naveneeth Poonthottathil - P [nav]
Dave (D.R.) Pushka - EM [pushka] 630-840-8767
Gina (R.A.) Rameika - P [rameika] 630-840-2262
Brian Rebel - P [brebel] 630-840-8226
Niki Saoulidou - P [niki] 630-840-4617
Peter Shanahan - P [shanahan] 630-840-8378
Richa Sharma - S [richa]
Wes Smart - P [smart] 707-942-5579
Andy Stefanik - EM [stefanik] 630-840-4131
Donatella Torretta - S [torretta]
Kamran Vaziri - P [vaziri] 630-840-3457
Alan Wehmann - P [wehmann] 630-840-4692
Bob Zwaska - P [zwaska] 630-840-6842
Goias (FAX: 55-62-3521-1041,Internet: if.ufg.br) Universidade Federal de Goias,
Instituto de Fisica, CP 131, 74001-970, Goiania, Goias, Brazil
Cesar (C.M.) Castromonte - P [cesarc77@gmail.com]
*I Ricardo (R.A.) Gomes - P [ragomes@ufg.br] 55-62-3521-1014
Michelle (M.M.) Medeiros - S [medeiros@fnal.gov]
Stefano (S.C.) Tognini -S [stognini@fnal.gov]
Harvard (FAX: 617-495-2678, Internet: huhepl.harvard.edu), HEPL: 617-495-5597
Dept. of Physics, Harvard University, 42 Oxford St., Cambridge, MA 02138
Admin. Ass't (Guy Sciacca) [sciacca@physics.harvard.edu] 617-495-5897
Joshua Boehm - P [jboehm@gmail.com]
Jason Brodsky - S [jbrodsky@fas.harvard.edu] 914-523-8154
Steven Cavanaugh - S [scavan@fas.harvard.edu] 617-496-5939
*I Gary (G.J.) Feldman - P [feldman@physics.harvard.edu] 617-496-1044
Nathan Felt - EE [felt@physics.harvard.edu] 617-496-2310
Andre Lebedev - P [indrick@gmail.com]
John Oliver - EE [oliver] 617-495-0939
Sharon (S.-M.) Seun - S [seun@physics.harvard.edu] 617-495-5887
Meagan Thompson - S [thompson@fas.harvard.edu] 617-496-2274
Ruth Toner - P [rtoner@fnal.gov]
University of Houston (FAX: 713-743-3589, Internet: uh.edu)
Department of Physics, 617 Science and Research Bldg 1, Houston, TX 77008
Lisa Whitehead - P [lawhitehead] 713-743-3502
Illinois Institute of Technology (FAX: 312-567-3494, Internet: iit.edu)
Department of Physics, 3101 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, IL 60616
Secretary 312-567-3480
Bill Luebke - EE [luebke@fnal.gov] 630-840-4128
Howie (H.A.) Rubin - P [rubin] 312-567-3395
*I Chris White - P [whitec] 312-567-3734
Indiana (FAX: 812-855-5533, Internet: astro.indiana.edu)
Physics Department, Swain West 117, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405
Secretary (Debbie McKinney) [dmckinne] 812-855-2220
Bob Armstrong - S [rearmstr@indiana.edu] 812-855-5705
Charles Bower - P [bower] 812-855-6190
Luke Corwin - P [luke.corwin@sdsmt.edu]
Mark Gebhard - T [gebhard] 812-855-8247
Masaki Ishitsuka - P [ishi@indiana.edu] 812-856-4095
Mark (M.D.) Messier - P [messier@indiana.edu] 812-855-0236 (FAX-0440)
Stuart Mufson - P [mufson] 812-855-6917 (FAX-8725)
*I James (J.A.) Musser - P [jmusser@indiana.edu] 812-855-9933
Jon Urheim - P [urheim@indiana.edu] 812-855-4178
Iowa State (FAX: , Internet: iastate.edu)
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011
Ioana Anghel - P [omanghel@fnal.gov]
*I Mayly (M.C.) Sanchez - P [mayly.sanchez] 630-252-3955,
UCL London (FAX: 44-20-7679-7145, Internet: hep.ucl.ac.uk)
High Energy Physics Group, Physics and Astronomy Dept., University College
London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, UK
Brian Anderson - T [ba]
Derek Attree - T [dja]
Gordon Crone - TC [gjc]
Mark Dorman - P [med] 44-20-7679-4147
Anna Holin - S [annah] 44-20-7679-4147
Jason (D.J.) Koskinen - S [koskinen]
Ryan (R.J.) Nichol - P [rjn]
Joseph O'Connor - S [joseph.o'connor.11@ucl.ac.uk]
Andrew Perch - S [a.perch.12@ucl.ac.uk]
Maciej (M.M.) Pfutzner - S [maciej.pfutzner.12@ucl.ac.uk]
Ruben Saakyan - P [saakyan]
*I Jenny Thomas - P [jthomas] 44-20-7679-7159
Leigh (L.H.) Whitehead - P [l.whitehead@ucl.ac.uk]
Manchester (FAX: 44-161-2750480, Internet: hep.manchester.ac.uk)
(HEP: 44-161-2754170) School of Physics and Astronomy, Universeity of
Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, UK
Rui Chen - P [rui.chen-8@postgrad.manchester.ac.uk]
*I Justin (J.J.) Evans - P [justin.evans]
Ashley Timmons - S [ashley.timmons]
Minnesota, Twin Cities (FAX: 612-624-4578, Internet: physics.umn.edu)
School of Physics and Astronomy, 116 Church St. S.E., Minneapolis, MN 55455
Secretary (Maureen Long) [mlong] 612-624-7886
Kregg (K.E.) Arms - P [arms] 612-624-1020
Minerba Betancourt - S [betancourt]
Pete (P.M.) Border - P [border] 612-624-1020
Tom (T.R.) Chase - EM [trchase@me.umn.edu] 612-625-0308
Hans Courant - P [hans] 612-624-6062
Daniel Cronin-Hennessy - P[hennessy] 612-624-9079
David DeMuth - P [demuth@umn.edu] 218-281-8259
Mike DuVernois - P [duvernoi] 612-624-6844
Eric (E.W.) Grashorn - P [grashorn@mps.ohio-state.edu]
Ken Heller - P [heller] 612-624-7314
Sue (S.M.S.) Kasahara - P [schubert] 612-624-1020
Zeb Krahn - P [zkrahn]
Sujeewa Kumaratunga - S [sujeewa] 612-624-7865
Peter (P.J.) Litchfield - P [pjl] 612-624-9804
Nat (N.P.) Longley - P [nat@fnal.gov]
I Marvin (M.L.) Marshak - P [marshak@umn.edu] 612-624-1312
Jarek (J.A.) Nowak - P [nowak]
Greg Pawloski - P [pawloski@fnal.gov]
Nathaniel Pearson - EM [npearson] 612-627-1064, 624-4546
* Earl (E.A.) Peterson - P [eap] 612-624-0319
David (D.A.) Petyt - P [petyt] 612-624-1020
Keith Ruddick - P [ruddick] 612-624-9587
Ben Speakman - P [bspeak] 612-624-0511
Matt Strait - S [strait]
Dick Wildberger - T [wildberg] 612-627-1064
Minnesota Duluth (FAX: 218-726-6942, Internet: d.umn.edu) U. of Minnesota,
Duluth, Dept. of Physics, 371 MWAH, 10 University Dr., Duluth, MN 55812
Secretary: Lori Johnson [ljohns10] 218-726-7124
Steve Farrell - S
Rik Gran - P [rgran] 218-726-7096
*I Alec Habig - P [ahabig@umn.edu] 218-726-7214, Cell: 218-290-4706
Jason Staab - S [staa0024] 218-726-7214
Otterbein University, (FAX: 614-823-1968 Internet: otterbein.edu)
Otterbein University, 1 South Grove Street, Westerville, OH 43081
*I Nathaniel Tagg - P [ntagg] 614-823-1316
Oxford (FAX: 44-1865-273418, Internet: physics.ox.ac.uk)
(Swthbd: 44-1865-273333) Denys Wilkinson Bldg, Keble Road, Oxford OX1 3RH, UK
Secretary [k.proudfoot1] 44-1865-273354
Christopher Backhouse - S [c.backhouse1] 44-1865-273385
Giles Barr - P [g.barr1] 44-1865-273446
John (J.H.) Cobb - P [j.cobb1] 44-1865-273328
Jeff (J.K.) de Jong - P [jeffrey.k.dejong@gmail.com]
Phillip (R.P.) Litchfield - S [p.litchfield1] 44-1865-273385
Colin Perry - EE [c.perry1] 44-1865-273358
Robert Pittam - S [r.pittam] 44-1865-273385
Philip (P.A.) Rodrigues - S [p.rodrigues1] 44-1865-273385
Phil Sullivan - EE [p.sullivan1] 44-1865-283104
Gemma Tinti - S [g.tinti] 44-1865-273385
*I Alfons Weber - P [alfons.weber@stfc.ac.uk] 44-1865-273315, 44-1235-445092
Nick West - P,C [n.west1] 44-1865-273389, 44-1202-395958
Pittsburgh (FAX: 412-624-9163, Internet: phyast.pitt.edu) Univ. of Pittsburgh,
100 Allen Hall, Dept. of Physics and Astro., Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Debdatta Bhattacharya - P [debdatta@farfalle.phyast.pitt.edu]412-624-7159
Istvan (I.Z.) Danko - P [izdanko@pitt.edu] 412-624-7159
Steve (S.A.) Dytman - P [dytman@pitt.edu]
Nick Graf - P [ngraf@umail.iu.edu]
Carrie McGivern - P [mcgivern@fnal.gov]
*I Donna Naples - P [naples, naples@fnal.gov] 412-624-9038
Vittorio Paolone - P [paolonepitt@gmail.com] 412-624-2764
Rutherford (FAX: 44-1235-446733, Internet: rl.ac.uk)
Switchboard: 44-1235-821900
Rutherford Appleton Lab, Science and Technologies Facilities Council, Harwell
Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot, OX11 OQX, UK
Secretary (Jane Brufell) [j.brufell] 44-1235-445342
Costas Andreopoulos - P [c.v.andreopoulos]44-1235-445091
Tim Durkin - T [t.durkin] 44-1235-445647
Nick Grant - P [nick.grant@stfc.ac.uk] 44-1235-445070
Rob Halsall - EE [r.halsall] 44-1235-445140
Jelena Ilic - P [jelena.ilic@stfc.ac.uk] 44-1235-446112
Carl (C.J.) Metelko - P [carl.metelko@stfc.ac.uk]44-1235-446265
Tim (T.C.) Nicholls - C [t.c.nicholls] 44-1235-446413
Geoff (G.F.) Pearce - P [g.f.pearce] 44-1235-445676
Tobias (T.M.) Raufer - P [t.m.raufer] 44-1235-778842
* Alfons Weber - P [alfons.weber@stfc.ac.uk] 44-1865-273315, 44-1235-445092
Soudan mine (Internet: sudan.umn.edu)
Surface Building: Voice 218-753-8990, FAX 218-753-8920;
Shift Leader House: P.O. Box 365, 218-753-5075
Park office: 218-753-2245 (FAX: 218-753-2246)
Underground: Voice 218-753-6611, FAX: 218-753-6904.
Soudan Underground Mine State Park, P.O. Box 175, Soudan, MN 55782
(Federal Express and UPS to Park Office: 1379 Stuntz Bay Road)
(FedEx and UPS to MINOS Surface Bldg: 41 First Street)
Eileen Amos - A [eileen]
Brian Anderson - TM [brian]
Jim (J.F.) Beaty - TM [beaty]
Curtis Lerol - TM [curt]
Jerry (J.R.) Meier - TC,TE,TM [meier]
* Bill (W.H.) Miller - TM,TE,TC,A [miller]
Dave Saranen - TC [saranen]
Doug Wiermaa - TM [doug]
Jack Zorman - TM [zman]
South Carolina (FAX: 803-777-3065, Internet: sc.edu)
Univ. of South Carolina, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, Columbia, SC 29208
Secretary (Ms. Beth Powell) [mepowell] 803-777-8104
Brian Mercurio - S [mercurio@barney.physics.sc.edu]
* Sanjib (S.R.) Mishra - P [sanjib] 803-777-2668
Azizur Rahaman - P [rahaman@fnal.gov]
I Carl Rosenfeld - P [lcr] 803-777-8145
Xinchun Tian - P [tianxc@fnal.gov]
Stanford (FAX: 650-926-4001, Internet: slac.stanford.edu)
MS 63, Stanford Linear Acc. Center, P.O. Box 4349, Stanford, CA 94309
Secretary (Judy Meo) [jlmeo] 650-926-2805
Sergei Avvakumov - P [avva@fnal.gov] 630-840-6827
George (G.M.) Irwin - P [gmieg] 650-926-2808
Xinjie Qiu - P [qiuxinjie@gmail.com]
*I Stan (S.G.) Wojcicki -P [sgwojcicki@gmail.com] 650-926-2806,
650-723-2924, 630-840-6305
Tingjun Yang - P [tjyang@fnal.gov]
Sussex (FAX: 44-1273-678068, Internet: sussex.ac.uk) Dept of Physics & Astron.,
University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton BN1 9QH, UK
David (D.J.) Auty - S [d.j.auty]
Nick (N.E.) Devenish - S [ned20] 44-1273-876606
*I Elisabeth Falk - P [e.falk] 44-1273-678538, FAX:677196
Philip (P.G.) Harris - P [p.g.harris] 44-1273-877214
Jeff Hartnell - P [j.j.hartnell]
Gwenaelle Lefeuvre - P [g.lefeuvre]
Peter (P.N.) Smith - P [p.n.smith] 44-1273-678662
Phil (P.A.) Symes - P [phil@philipsymes.com] 44-1273-678115
Marta (M.A.) Tavera - P [m.tavera] 44-1273-678712
Dick (R.F.) White - EE [r.f.white] 44-1273-678102
Texas A&M (FAX 979-845-2590, Internet:heprb.physics.tamu.edu) Texas A&M Univ.,
Physics Dept., Spence St, TAMU MS 4242, College Station, TX 77843-4242
Nikoli Diaczenko - TM [nick] 979-845-3235
Masaki Watabe - S [mwatabe@physics.tamu.edu] 979-845-3235
*I Bob (R.C.) Webb - P [robert-webb@tamu.edu] 979-845-4012
U. of Texas at Austin (FAX: 512-471-5918,-9637, Internet: mail.hep.utexas.edu)
Department of Physics, 1 University Station, Austin, TX 78712-1081
Physics Dept.: 512-471-1153,2; Center for Particle Physics: 512-471-5728
Secretary (Virginia Kruemcke) [virginia@physics.utexas.edu] 512-471-5728
Son (S.V.) Cao - S [cvson@physics.utexas.edu]
John England - EE [j.england@mail.utexas.edu] 512-471-5854,-5728
Sacha Kopp - P [kopp] 512-471-0461, Lab: 471-9641
*I Karol Lang - P [lang@physics.utexas.edu] 512-471-3528,Lab:471-3526
Laura Loiacono - S [lloiaco@physics.utexas.edu]
Rashid Mehdiyev - P [rmehdi@fnal.gov]
Tom Osiecki -P [osiecki]
Rustem Ospanov - P [rustem@physics.utexas.edu]
Zarko Pavlovich - P [zarko]
Marek Proga - TM [marek.proga] 512-232-7189
Jasmine Ratchford - S [jyuko@mail.ph.utexas.edu]
Adam Schreckenberger - P[adams@physics.umn.edu] 612-624-0511
Allan Schroeder - TM [schroeder@mail.utexas.edu] 512-471-5256,-4330
Tufts (FAX: 617-627-3744, Internet: tufts.edu)
Tufts University, Physics Dept., Medford, MA 02155
Secretary (Jackie DiMichele or Jean Intoppa) 617-627-3219
Daniel Cherdack - S [daniel.cherdack] 617-627-5779
Joao (J.A.B.) Coelho - P [joao.coelho]
Denis (D.R.) Dupuis - TM [denis.dupuis] 617-627-5378
Hugh (H.R.) Gallagher - P [hugh.gallagher] 617-627-5876
Tom Kafka - P [tomas.kafka] 617-627-3045
Scott MacCorkle - TM [scott.maccorkle] 617-627-5378
Tony (W.A.) Mann - P [anthony.mann] 617-627-3373
Nate Mayer - P [nathan.mayer]
Larry (L.P.) McMaster - TM [lawrence.mcmaster] 617-627-5378
Rick (R.H.) Milburn - P [rmilburn@capecod.net] 617-627-3554
Bill (W.P.) Oliver - P [william.oliver] 617-627-5364
*I Jack Schneps - P [jschneps] 617-627-3374
UNICAMP (FAX: 55-19-3788-5512, Internet: ifi.unicamp.br) Universidade Estadual
de Campinas, IFGW-UNICAMP, CP 6165, 13083-970, Campinas, SP, Brazil
*I Carlos (C.O.) Escobar - P [escobar] 55-19-3788-5537
USP (FAX: 55-11-3091-6832, Internet: if.usp.br) Universidade de Sao Paulo,
Instituto de Fisica, CP 66318, 05315-970, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil
Secretary (Teresa or Sandra) 55-11-3091-7045
*I Philippe Gouffon - P [pgouffon] 55-11-3091-6928
University of Warsaw (FAX: 48-22-6294309, Internet: fuw.edu.pl)
Faculty of Physics, Warsaw University, Pasteura 5, PL-02-093 Warsaw, Poland
*I Katarzyna Grzelak - P [Katarzyna.Grzelak] 48-22-5532817, 48-22-5532803
William & Mary (FAX: 757-221-3540, Internet: wm.edu)
Department of Physics, College of William & Mary, P.O. Box 8795
(300 Ukrop Drive for FedEx), Williamsburg, VA 23187
Secretary (Paula Perry) [paula@physics.wm.edu] 757-221-3500
Steve (S.J.) Coleman - S [sjc@fnal.gov] 757-221-3542
Alena (A.V.) Devan - S [avgavrilenko@email.wm.edu]
Mike Kordosky - P [kordosky@fnal.gov] 757-221-5522
Mark Mathis - P [mmathis]
*I Jeff (J.K.) Nelson - P [jknels] 757-221-3579
Alex Radovic - P [radovic@hep.ucl.ac.uk]
Tricia Vahle - P [vahle@fnal.gov] 757-221-3559
Joe (J.J.) Walding - P [jwalding]
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